In recognition of the importance of Mental Health Awareness TC had a wonderful comedy fundraising event. We had an incredible lineup that featured the hilarious Belynda Cleare from Nova Scotia and Medinah, a young woman with vertigo who brings her unique perspective to the stage! Additionally, we honored one of our strongest advocates, Representative Larry Lambert, a lifelong resident and a pillar of community leadership in our 7th District (Claymont).
1st Annual 1920s-30s Harlem Renaissance Masquerade Fundraising Soiree ~ 2.29.20
In recognition of the importance of Mental Health Awareness TC had a wonderful comedy fundraising event. We had an incredible lineup that featured the hilarious Belynda Cleare from Nova Scotia and Medinah, a young woman with vertigo who brings her unique perspective to the stage! Additionally, we honored one of our strongest advocates, Representative Larry Lambert, a lifelong resident and a pillar of community leadership in our 7th District (Claymont).
Art + People = LOVE Festival 2019 Fundraiser ~ 5.18.19
What an amazing event! Thank you to everyone who participated, we appreciate you all! Without the support of our community, we would not exist! Thank you!
'Girls Empowering Themselves 'Living Proof Recovery Center, Voorhees, NJ ~ 6.24.17
We enjoyed another wonderful day with a group of beautiful young ladies! It was a pleasure to share, laugh & learn....once again. Thank you Mrs. Govak and all the great people at Living Proof Recovery Center, Voorhees, NJ!!! We appreciate all that you guys do!!!
These young ladies are sure reminders that all is not lost. With all that is going on in this world, in this country, we still have a large number of young people with a spirit of survival, wanting to be successful, wanting to be 'good' and do 'good'. All they need are people who will help them climb over the mountain of insecurities, and cross the stream of impossibilities. It is because of young people, like the ones in the images below, that TC will continue to work hard at fulfilling our mission.....one person, one family, and one community at a time. We are confident that our youth will master excellence!
'Girls Empowering Themselves 'Living Proof Recovery Center, Voorhees, NJ ~ 12.10.166
Cultural Diversity Day ~ We had an absolutely wonderful day with a group of 13 beautiful young ladies (ages 12-18), re-educating, and providing encouragement while building a foundation that will support them through their years of growth as they enter into womanhood. Thank you Mrs. Govak and all the great people at Living Proof Recovery Center, Voorhees, NJ!!! We appreciate all that you guys do!!!
Bleed Colors 5k Glow Run Masquerade ~ 5.2.15
On the evening of 5.2.15, Tomaro's C.H.A.N.G.E. hosted the Bleed Colors 5K Glow Run Masquerade!! There was colored powder, an amazing DJ, food/drinks, awards, and most of all the greatest group of runners/walkers ever!!
From 4-year-old DJ (our youngest runner of the evening) to our four most celebrated walkers, the colorful powder game began and ended with a bang!! Each and every one who attended helped to make our 1st 5K a true success!! A special thanks to all of our runners/walkers, donors, and volunteers! We absolutely appreciate you all!! As our motto says, "It takes a village to raise a child." We cannot do what we do without you!!
PATRIOT 5K RUN ~ 9.14.13
On 9.14.13, in Exton, PA Tomaro’s C.H.A.N.G.E. participated in the Patriot 5K Run! Don’t know what the Patriot 5K Run is? Briefly, in 2002 Patriot Day was designated as a day to remember those who had been killed and forever affected by what took place on 9/11. The Patriot 5K Run was designated as a time for us not to only remember those who were affected, but also to come together and celebrate and bring awareness to the importance of being a patriot…a loyalist within our communities, within the lives of those around us.
We had a really great crowd of people attend, and run! Our youngest runner was 14; the oldest was in her 60s! We had a mom pushing twins in a stroller, and a man running barefoot! We had runners who finished the race, and then went back to encourage other runners! We even had a dog running in support of TC! It was simply an amazing day! And we cannot forget our Exton’s finest who were there to protect and serve!
Tomaro’s C.H.A.N.G.E. works diligently to improve the lives of youth by empowering them and supporting the needs of their families, and we realize that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. We know that we cannot make a difference without the help of many. To the folks who participated in the Run, we thank you all for your support!
We ask that you continue to support the youth and their families within your communities!
A Walk for JAE July ~ 7.27.13
TC would like to thank all of you that supported the ‘Walk for Jae’! The walk was a great success! On the day of the walk we were able to raise $4000 for Jae and his family; this does not include other donations! As our motto says, “It takes a village”; we could not have done it without you!